Thursday, November 29, 2012
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Dear Log Cabin Republicans
“That the president has chosen today, when LGBT Americans are mourning the passage of Amendment One, to finally speak up for marriage equality is offensive and callous. Log Cabin Republicans appreciate that President Obama has finally come in line with leaders like Vice President Dick Cheney on this issue, but LGBT Americans are right to be angry that this calculated announcement comes too late to be of any use to the people of North Carolina, or any of the other states that have addressed this issue on his watch. This administration has manipulated LGBT families for political gain as much as anybody, and after his campaign’s ridiculous contortions to deny support for marriage equality this week he does not deserve praise for an announcement that comes a day late and a dollar short.”
If you like this post and want to read more posts like it ~ along with some pop culture, arts & entertainment, thoughts on aging and a bunch of other interesting, bizarre and funny stuff, look for my new website,, coming soon to an interwebs near you! You can follow me on Twitter now @FuckYou40com.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Facebook Clicking Will Not Change the World, We Have Work To Do
If you like this post and want to read more posts like it ~ along with some pop culture, arts & entertainment, thoughts on aging and a bunch of other interesting, bizarre and funny stuff, look for my new website,, coming soon to an interwebs near you! You can follow me on Twitter now @FuckYou40com.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
North Carolina, Amendment One & Collateral Damage
If you like this post and want to read more posts like it ~ along with some pop culture, arts & entertainment, thoughts on aging and a bunch of other interesting, bizarre and funny stuff, look for my new website,, coming soon to an interwebs near you! You can follow me on Twitter now @FuckYou40com.
Monday, May 7, 2012
Bill Clinton Speaks Out Against Amendment One in North Carolina
"Hello, this is President Bill Clinton. I’m calling to urge you to vote against Amendment One on Tuesday May 8. If it passes, it won’t change North Carolina’s law on marriage. What it will change is North Carolina’s ability to keep good businesses, attract new jobs, and attract and keep talented entrepreneurs. If it passes, your ability to keep those businesses, get those jobs, and get those talented entrepreneurs will be weakened. And losing even one job to Amendment One is too big of a risk. Its passage will also take away health insurance from children and could even take away domestic violence protections from women. So the real effect of the law is not to keep the traditional definition of marriage, you’ve already done that. The real effect of the law will be to hurt families and drive away jobs. North Carolina can do better. Again, this is Bill Clinton asking you to please vote against Amendment One. Thanks."
"So the real effect of the law is not to keep the traditional definition of marriage, you’ve already done that. The real effect of the law will be to hurt families and drive away jobs."
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Hard Up
Friday, March 2, 2012
Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss
Monday, February 27, 2012
A Letter to Doubt
Dear Doubt ~
It has been remarkable, your absence from this process ~ from my process of creation and re-creation. I am both comforted and scared to note that you have arrived, finally, with all the subtlety of a jackhammer on tissue paper. With your glorious flourishes intact. And yet, with all the power you command, you seem to revel in your ability to wreak havoc with simple, rolled eyes, condescending lips, nostrils flared from luxuriously slow, disapproving inhales. As if I'm not even worth the full force of your arsenal. You let me know that I am still very much Me and that a single round with you can render me immobile, sometimes for prolonged stretches. The true wonder of this moment lies not in your presence, but merely in your tardiness. Where have you been? And how did I get waist deep into this before the lecturing began?
You swoop in and demand attention and create a scene. You whisper in my ear, gleefully confirming my fears. You tell me the truth. And that, Doubt, is your single greatest power ~ the source from which all your strength flows ~ creating in me the feeling that yours is the only voice speaking truth! You cast yourself as the singular voice of reason and with a dismissive wave of your hand render everything positive silly. Immature. Infantile. Ridiculous. You, Doubt, are indeed the Devil.
So here you are. And here I am. And you have supplanted my instincts ~ taken them over and demanded that Instinct become Doubt. How am I to know when you have been dispatched on behalf of my own self-preservation and when your purpose is merely to suffocate?
I don't. I guess I don't.
But here, Doubt, is the thing you may not know. I've seen my fair share of fears becoming reality. And I survived. I survived disappointment. I survived failure. I survived having my very definition of myself taken from me. It sucked. There was not even one remotely pleasant moment about it. It was profoundly embarrassing and painful. But I survived. And so the truth is that while you still scare the shit out of me, I do not feel quite as compelled to bow to your whims as I used to. What are you going to do to me exactly? Anything that hasn't already been done? I survived.
Perhaps one of the perks of age is the weathering of disappointments and lost dreams. It's not so much that my fears have disappeared, they've just dissipated a little. I find them less paralyzing than I used to. Who knew failure carried with it a certain freedom? Who knew heartbreak came with a Free Gift With Purchase?
So Doubt, the questions aren't: What is your purpose here? or Do you scare me? The questions are, simply: How much of your advice will I heed? Will I allow you to define yourself as Common Sense? Will I allow you to paralyze me in order to avoid a possible hurt and that ever-present playground fear of being made fun of?
To that I take a deep breath, puff out my feathers and say:
I'm 40. Fuck you.
Sincerely, Ian
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Do You Support Marriage Equality? The Full Vesuvius.
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
A Thank You Note to the Plaintiffs of Prop 8
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Fight For Marriage Equality In New Jersey From The Comfort Of Your Own Home!
It's cold. It's dark. It's the middle of winter and even though it's been pretty temperate these past few days, it seems people just want to curl up at home and re-emerge next spring.
But New Jersey's residents have no such luxury. Marriage equality is being debated RIGHT NOW. It is winding its way through the legislature and will likely wind up on Governor Christie's desk in the near future. He has vowed to veto any such bill, which means that we must double, triple and quadruple our efforts in order to secure enough votes to override his veto ~ in order that our voices be heard, our opinions be counted and our equality be won. And we can do it! We can do it if we all take just a few moments to tell our legislators that we are in favor of marriage equality.
Four minutes ~ three steps ~ to help make marriage equality a reality in New Jersey.
1) Copy & paste this link:
It has New Jersey broken down into districts. Districts are listed by county and then broken down further by town. Find your town and click on your district.
2) That will take you to a page which lists your Senator, your Assemblymen/women and their office phone numbers. Call them at any time. If it's after business hours you can leave a message. If you know that your representatives are for marriage equality, thank them! ~ this is important because they rarely get positive feedback on any issue ~ and let them know that you are too. If they are against it or you don't know their position, just let them know that you "strongly support marriage equality in New Jersey." Then leave your name and your address. That's it! They'll put one more check mark in the For Marriage Equality column of their tally sheet. A tally sheet that they will absolutely consider as this debate progresses and as they go to vote.
If you'd like to take a moment to send a personal note to your representative(s), clicking on their names will lead to a page with a "Contact Your Legislator(s)" link.
No matter how you choose to communicate, and no matter what you representatives' views on this issue, always be respectful and polite.
3) Pass this on to everyone you know and share with them how empowered you feel knowing that your voice, literally, has been heard. Make sure they call too!!!
Don't just be proud. Be proud that you did something!
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Calling for Equality, First Night
The last time I phone banked it was on behalf of Governor Corzine. We all know how well that went. In light of his recent re-emergence in the news, I’m not so sure his losing was a bad thing ~ although at least I would likely have been married by now. But whether his losing was good or bad is irrelevant. He lost. Governor Christie won. And whether you love him or hate him or find yourself somewhere in the middle is also irrelevant. He is our governor. And for the past few years I have found myself a somewhat inactive activist. We have a governor who has said that he would veto a marriage equality bill out of hand and not enough votes to override the veto. End of story.
I do not know the machinations that brought marriage equality, seemingly quite suddenly, up again in the New Jersey legislature. I do not know the machinations that have gotten the bill fast tracked for a vote. Nor do I know the machinations of Governor Christie’s apparent softening – for him – on the issue. I don’t know and I don’t care. Whatever the reasons, we have another opportunity to take the ball into the end zone. The bill has been introduced. It is time for the activists to be active. We have been roused from our Christie hibernation.
Last night was our first phone banking session ~ the beginning of Garden State Equality and the Human Rights Campaign’s push in New Jersey to finally see marriage equality become a reality. We call our supporters and ask that they, in turn, call their representatives with the message that New Jersey’s LGBT couples deserve to be treated equally under the law – they should be able to get married.
The truth is that I hate phone banking. I hate bothering people in the evening, in their homes, with their families, enjoying what is probably a small island of relaxation in an otherwise hectic day. I feel like I’m intruding. But I hold my breath and I wrinkle my nose like I’m taking some bad tasting medicine and I call. I call because it is something to do. I call because I find that I can not sit home and hope when there is work to be done. I call because there is truth to be spoken and there are changes to be made. I call. And I call. And I call. One tiny call at a time that sometimes seems not to be moving the world in the slightest. I call. Some people are rude. Some people hang up. Some people have no idea why we are calling or what Garden State Equality or the Human Rights Campaign is. I call. I call to spread information, because most people don’t know what’s going on in Trenton. I call because most people don’t truly understand that their representatives will listen to them – and that they tally calls on every issue in “for” and “against” columns. I call because good people are too often silent. I call because the voice of the government should not be one more voice that bullies our LGBT children and reinforces the ignorance of bigots. I call because fear is a successful motivating factor for our opponents and because they use it to great advantage. I hate to call. But I call because our opponents have no such aversion. I call. Because you never know which call will be one that changes the world just a little.
I call for equality.
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Dear New Year's Resolute ~
Welcome to the gym! I doubt you'll be here long, but even if you only make it to Valentine's Day, this will come in handy. It might seem a tad rough, but believe me, it's better than pissing off some guy who's already on the verge of a serious 'roid rage and is just looking for any excuse to Naomi Campbell your ass. You'll thank me later.
A few rules ~
30 minute limit on the cardio equipment. 30 minutes. That's it. That sign. Taped to the mirror. Right in front of your face? The one that says, "30 minute limit on the cardio equipment"? In gym-speak that means that there's a 30 minute limit on the cardio equipment. And may I be blunt? You haven't broken a sweat since TiVo eliminated the need for you to scurry back into your living room. You aren't going to lose that 40lbs in one manic 5 hour cardio session. You can set the Stepmill to Kilimanjaro and grunt to your pasty, near-unconscious delight. You can Lance Armstrong the stationary bike in your Hefty Bag sweatsuit until you are a ball of hyperventilating pulp. You can white-knuckle the treadmill until you collapse and get spit out like a baseball at a batting cage. But the truth is this: if you were built like soft-serve in a condom when you got on that machine, you will be built like soft-serve in a condom when you get off that machine. Your goal can not be accomplished in a single session. You are going to have to come back and do this again. Dedication, not dehydration, is the key to altering your body. So get the hell off the machine and don't give ME a dirty look when I ask if I can use it after you've been on it for 90 minutes. Dedication.
The answer is "Yes, you can work in with me." Here at the gym we do a little thing that we like to call sharing, maybe you've heard of it. (If you haven't got the foggiest idea what "working in" means, look it up.) (If you haven't got the foggiest idea what sharing means, get that Chicken Soup for the Soul book or that Everything I Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten book. I've never personally read either of them, but I'm gonna bet they might help to clarify things.) Sharing.
Do you have to do your set right in front of the weight rack? No. No you don't. Step away from the rack! So that you aren't - I don't know - blocking every. Single. Other. Person. From using the weights. It's just common courtesy. You are not here alone. And, not for nothin', if it's too heavy to carry four feet, then it's too fucking heavy for you to exercise with. Courtesy.
There is just absolutely no need to gyrate and thrust and make yourself look generally silly in order to lift the heaviest weight at the gym. Much in the same way that wearing a zero when she's an 8 makes Mariah Carey look fatter than she actually is, lifting with a weight that's too heavy doesn't make you look strong, it just makes you look like a douchebag. Momentum is not your friend. You're trying to build muscle, not a pyramid. So start with a weight you can manage and work your way up to that Arnold weight in the corner. Dedication.
Re-rack your weights! Courtesy. Douchebag. Too heavy.
Flip flops?
Clearly you're excited about the sweating (Not since TiVo!!!), but you know, we here at the gym indulge in a little accessory we like to refer to as - a towel. We sweat. We love to sweat. And we pretty much sweat on everything. And then we wipe that shit down before moving on or before we allow someone else - learning curve in action - to work in with us. Sharing. Courtesy. Douchebag. Wipe down.
That bench? It's not a park bench. Neither is it a coffee table, mantle, footrest or phone booth. (Hang up!) It's a bench. Which we use. To lift. And when we're done, we wipe it down and re-rack our weights. And sometimes, if the gym is crowded, we let someone else work in with us. Sharing. Courtesy. Douchebag. Wipe down. Park bench.
To recap: Dedication. Sharing. Courtesy. Too heavy. Douchebag. Work in. Wipe down. Re-rack. Soft-serve. Condom. Park bench. Hang up. Work out.
I think that if you follow these few, simple rules, you'll find that the gym is a great place to be. And you might find those mean gym-rats to be all warm and fuzzy. And maybe you'll stay past the first really cold day.
All The Gym-Goers Who Are Annually Annoyed By The Sudden Influx Of The Resolute Yet Clueless