Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A Thank You Note to the Plaintiffs of Prop 8

I thank you. I thank you on behalf of my younger self, who looked forward at his life and saw that things he wanted were not possible for him because of who he was. I thank you. I thank you for dedicating your lives to making sure that our LGBT youth no longer face the same future I faced. I thank you. I thank you for teaching our LGBT children that they will have the exact same options open to them as their straight counterparts as they go through their lives. I thank you. I thank you for teaching straight children that LGBT citizens are no different and should not be bound by a different set of laws. I thank you. I thank you for the tears I'm crying as I type this. Tears of joy and anger and inspiration and resolve to continue to fight until this ridiculous battle is laid to rest and visited only in history books. I thank you. I thank you for your courage. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you. Sincerely, Ian Rosen

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