Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Just the Facts, Ma'am

Alright, I'm tired.  I've had a long day which was then followed by a long evening.  
Just some bullet points:
Barney Frank came face to face with a woman who probably thought that her ignorance and abuse of history would be met with more respect.
An Israeli Jew, while discussing Israel's health care system, inexplicably had a woman scream "Heil Hitler" at him.  
At some point the Holocaust and health care became intertwined.  I'm not sure when it happened, but that's likely because I don't watch Fox.
Justice Scalia claimed it was legal to kill innocent people.
A dyed in the wool conservative will be trying a Prop 8 case - in favor of marriage equality.
And after a raid on a gay bar in Fort Worth, Texas (on the night of the 40th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots) which resulted in one man falling into a coma, the Fort Worth police will be revising their bar inspection policies.
Alas, I did not come across anything about Michele Bachmann today.  
There's always tomorrow.

1 comment:

Loren said...

I clearly do not have your gift. Words to not come to me as clearly as they do to you. However, I thank you. Thank you for saying so deftly all the things that need to be said. I wish my children were old enough to understand all that you have to teach. I am doing my best to do so with your help. The future of our country will eventually be in their hands. I hope that they will speak loudly and carry forth your messages to the next generation. However, I hope that they will not need to.

Thank you for using your gift. In this forum or in any forum. Your voice is strong and powerful and I am grateful to hear it over the phone, in an audience or through your writing. Thank you. Your talents are vast and many and I look forward to watching your journey with this new use of your voice. You are an inspiration.