Monday, October 5, 2009

Dark Day

Damn.  Not a post yet in October.
I'm still struggling with life.  I know that there are horrible things going on in the world.  Hypocritical things.  I know that people are saying untrue things about gay people.  I know that there is still hatred of all kinds.  I know that people are still more interested in fear than understanding.  
While I haven't looked too closely at a headline in the past week or so, I feel safe in declaring that not much has changed.  
I'm here.  Hibernating a little.  Curling up with my puppies and my husband.  Keeping the horrors of the world at arm's length.  I saw the story of Derrion Albert, the Chicago teen who was beaten to death.  What a profoundly disturbing story.  For so many reasons.  One:  Incidents like it are not uncommon.  Two:  Why would you use your cel phone to video tape someone being beaten to death?  Three:  When you could be calling 911?  The whole thing was more than I could bear.
Sometimes I am overwhelmed by the things that we are capable of doing to one another.  By the pain we are able to inflict.  Sometimes it seems that to be human is to be forever trapped at the intersection of Empathy and Instinct.  Conscious and Animal.  I wonder if we will be around long enough for the urge to kill or harm or hate to subside.  I wonder if we will have done ourselves in before we get to that point.

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