Sunday, August 9, 2009

There's No Business, or Career Transition for Roger

Every day, three times a day, Rick or I let the dogs out.  And every day, three times a day, they finish their business and run back to the back door.  If I'm not standing there waiting for them they beg to be let in by scratching at the door.
That is the sound of my career.
Scratch scratch scratch.
So here I am, late thirties, tired of scratching at the back door.  Tired of begging.   I haven't worked in two years.  And the realization has set in that even if I do miraculously scrub off whatever pheromone I emit at auditions that repels people and book another gig, it is unlikely that jobs will keep coming in a way that supports me financially.  I've never made a life decision based on money.  And I've never regretted it.  But not long ago I woke up to realize that I had neither money nor career.  I woke up to realize that I was one of the many, not one of the few.   
I don't feel that I've arrived at a crossroads as much as at a roadblock.  I want to do what I want to do.  But I'm also fond of living a somewhat comfortable life.  And my priorities have changed.  Even now, after two long years, I'd rather be home with my husband than sleeping alone somewhere else doing mediocre work that is uninteresting to me.  So now what?  My work has dried up, but I haven't.  Where do I go now?  What do I do?
I would love to write.  But moving from theatre to writing in search of stability seems - well - at best, counterintuitive.  At worst, utterly moronic.  
I have in me a sense of anger and activism that I have never experienced before; a rage and passion that could easily take the place of what I have been forced to leave behind.  Activism.  Another secure and financially rewarding profession.   
So here I am.  Searching.  Looking.  Figuring out my next step.  Trying to find a fire for all this fuel.  A valve for all this boiling lava.  
I have a lot to say.  But last night, after most of this was written, the questions began, the judges entered the room and I chickened out.  "You don't know how to create a blog.  The templates are ugly and no one will want to look at it.  You need to brand yourself so you're identifiable before you do anything.  You don't know how to add pictures or a link.  You have nothing of interest or importance to say.  Who are you and why will anyone care what you have to say?  Won't people think this is exhibitionistic?  What if you make a fool of yourself?  Where exactly do you expect this to lead - a movie deal?"
I thought about all of those things and more today and I came to this conclusion:
Fuck it.


MamaKaren said...

Welcome to the blogosphere. My "oh, I'll try it for a few months" blogging endeavor has lasted for a good five years, and even if no one reads, it's a good outlet for whatever I feel like putting out there. You're a much better writer than I am, based some of the FB posting, so it's all good.

Unknown said...

I agree with "MamaKaren", it is great to write things for you. And i found I have more follower's on my blog then posted. Some people follow you invisible! Anyway, your blog touched me, and thanks for the ride. Although I'm acting and working, I would die for what you have. A RELATIONSHIP! Grass is always greener! Thanks for the journey!

TG said...

Hell yeah, brother! I'm glad you're putting pen to paper - or, fingers to keyboard - and I'm glad to read. You got something to say, Roger, and we're all ears. Rock on.

Anonymous said...


Everything you have written, I have felt and experienced as I went through what I refer to as my "mourning period" I mourned the loss of my identity, my feeling of being invincible, and I was pissed. Anytime you need to talk, please know I am here to listen and share. Keep writing and venting and speaking and firing away, because the day you lose that, then all will be lost. You are one of the funniest and talented people I know, and though it may not be much consolation, I believe in you and the power of your words and the power of your spirit. Whatever you decide, you will tackle it with your passion and convition within. Hang in there! xoxo Karina