Sunday, September 13, 2009

Silence is Golden

Forgive me.  For I have sinned.
It's been two days since my last blog.
I feel like I've been gone for a year.
Between our kitchen and a dear friend who's currently in the hospital, there just haven't been enough hours in the day.
But here I am.  Back on this perfect fall Sunday.
The Advocate claims that this coming Tuesday, September 15, a bill calling for the full repeal of DOMA will be announced.  Look for the press conference at 11am.  Barney Frank has said that he is not in favor of the legislation.  He seems to think that this is a battle that can't be won.  Yet.
Under the heading Better Late Than Never, "Gordon Brown issued an unequivocal apology last night on behalf of the government to Alan Turing, the second world war codebreaker who took his own life 55 years ago after being sentenced to chemical castration for being gay."
Obama is considering sending more troops to Afghanistan.  Could someone please explain to me how sending troops to Iraq and Afghanistan is change.  Change, to me, suggests making different choices.  Not enlarging the same ones.  We hated the Iraq war under W.  Why do we seem to like the Iraq and Afghanistan wars under Obama?  Who knows, maybe with a Democrat in the White House pushing the war, the Democrats in Congress will feel free to vote against it.  Go figure.
A gay man was found strangled in Jamaica.  The police think it might have been a hate crime.  On his body they found a note that read, “This is what will happen to ALL gays.”  
A gay man was found beaten in Florida.  The cause of the attack?  He was gay.
In case you were wondering if the U.S. poverty rate hit an 11 year high in '08, let me solve that riddle for you.  It did.
Are you interested in learning more about "protecting marriage?"  Well look no further, you can start by reading the 2010 CA Marriage Protection Act, which seeks to outlaw divorce.  Makes sense, no?  
The WSJ explains just how costly it will be when NYC winds up under water.  Fantastic.
Bob Dole explains that the only reason he was against health care reform during the Clinton administration was because he thought it would hurt him politically.  He's now in favor of health care reform.  Does anyone give a rat's ass about us?
And finally, I didn't blog on the 11th.  That was a conscious decision.  I'm not sure that I have anything new to add.  I'm not sure that I have the words to illuminate that day.  So I did something I rarely do, and shut my mouth.  
Sometimes I think silence is best.

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