Tuesday, September 15, 2009

A Quickie

Just as The Advocate promised, The Respect for Marriage Act was introduced in the House today.  This bill, if passed, would repeal the Defense of Marriage Act.  It seems that the bill is going to lay dormant for a while, but it's a start!
Just for fun, watch this nearly ten minute clip of the Tea Bagger (Tea Bagging?) protest that took place in Washington, D.C. on September 12.  These people literally don't have any idea what they're protesting.  And it's scary.  Because their anger is real, basically unhinged, but their facts are muddled.  At best.
Anger and fear are the easiest emotions to stir.  And the Republicans do it with aplomb.  I wonder if they ever worry about what they're unleashing.  I wonder if they ever feel the weighty responsibility of that First Amendment.  Judging from what I can stand to watch of Fox News, I'm guessing no.  John Avlon of The Daily Beast has a lot to say about this.
And finally (just a quickie tonight), two books that I'll be running out to buy this weekend:  Jon Krakauer (author of the riveting Under the Banner of Heaven) has written a biography of Pat Tillman (Where Men Win Glory:  A Biography of Pat Tillman), a man who, after 9/11, followed his sense of duty, left his job with the N.F.L. and joined the Army.  He was killed in Afghanistan by friendly fire.   It is easy to think that we already know Pat Tillman.  From his vocation to his decision to join the Army to his treatment by the media and right down to his looks, he seems to fit easily into a jock/pro-war/conservative box.  Apparently that was not the case.  Not the case at all.
Also of interest for old school liberals like myself, Teddy Kennedy's memoir True Compass.
I can't wait for the weekend to curl up and read!
More tomorrow.

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