Thursday, September 3, 2009

Animal Housegate

"In many cases in life, you never fully appreciate your blessings until you lose them."
That is a quote from embattled Governor Mark Sanford.  The blessings he's referring to are his wife and children, all of whom have moved out of the Governor's mansion since it was revealed that he wasn't hiking on that fateful trip down Argentine way. 
What I'm not entirely certain he grasps is that he didn't lose his family.  He flew to another hemisphere.  Fucked a woman.  Who wasn't his wife.  Referred to that woman, publicly, as his soul mate.  And possibly put the expense on the taxpayers tab.  
Dear Governor Sanford, losing something is when you have no control over its leaving.  Not when you make selfish, stupid, hurtful and potentially illegal decisions that make it go away.
P.S. I wouldn't give a rat's ass who you fuck if you would stop "protecting" your "sacred" institution by consistently voting to deny me my rights.
On the plus side, he has no intention of backing down and resigning his post because it's what "God wanted me to do with my life."  Shameless.
Yesterday, Michelangelo Signorile had NOM executive director Brian Brown on his Sirius radio show.  It is difficult to argue with Mr. Brown in the way that it is difficult to argue with anyone who is adept at lying and has no sense of or use for logic.  Yet Michelangelo Signorile perseveres and exposes the many flaws in Mr. Brown's arguments.
One of my favorite sites, Good As You, posted an article today detailing the about face our opposition in Maine has taken in their fight for inequality.  While they are currently jumping up and down celebrating their victory in getting marriage equality on the ballot for a referendum, it seems that a mere ten years ago, when the Maine legislature voted to approve a ban on same-sex marriage, they didn't think that these matters needed to go before the public.  Interesting.
One man bit off another man's finger at a town hall meeting. (Insert your own health care joke here.)
Obama is planning on making a speech to a special joint session of congress next week.  Let's hope he grows a set before he does it.  This country has allowed uni-partisanship to get us into an illegal war.  We've allowed it to destroy our economy.  We've allowed it to make it ok to spy on private citizens.  But apparently we draw the line at health care.  For that, everyone must be on board.  
Dear Obama, get angry.  Stop worrying about your plummeting poll numbers - I'm pretty sure that they're plummeting not because you've gone too far, but because you haven't gone far enough.  It's because you seem to be scared to do what really needs to be done.  Not ten months ago this country elected you to change things.  One of those things you expressly promised to change was health care.  DO IT!!!  And don't pretend that you're doing it while getting rid of the public option.  Because we all know that's bullshit.  Just fucking do it.  Read Paul Begala's article from The Daily Beast.  It might point you in the right direction.
In case you were wondering about the ripple effects of ever increasing student debt caused by skyrocketing tuitions, look no further.  The WSJ did a piece on just that subject.
We've all been watching Animal Housegate unfold for the past two days.  Today it was announced that the security will have security.  I feel compelled to note that health care is a big no-no.  Too expensive.  If you want it heath care, earn it.  But no one seems to have a problem with the fact that we're now paying frat boys with guns to party and urinate on each other.  Or that we're paying other security guards to babysit said frat boys.  Why don't they just send the drunken, naked people home?  Why are they still there?  Getting paid?
I wonder what would happen if I tried to eat a potato chip out of the ass crack of one of my co-workers.  Would my boss just hire someone to watch me and make sure I didn't do it again?
More tomorrow.

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