Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Vermont Gets Equality - And Ice Cream!!!

Tonight in hate:  Stephen Anderson, the pastor from Arizona that I wrote about a few weeks ago, told Michelangelo Signorile on his Sirius radio show that "if you're a homosexual, I hope you get brain cancer like Ted Kennedy."  And just when I thought I couldn't be shocked anymore.
First of all, clearly Mr. Anderson is insane.  He also claims that killing the president wouldn't be murder.  You'll have to listen to the whole seven minute plus clip in order to get the full effect.  But I warn you, it will make you sick to your stomach.  
I could go on and on dissecting the lunacy that clearly accompanies Mr. Anderson, but I won't.  I'll just point out that while he's preaching that the killing of gay people isn't murder he is doing so within earshot of children.  Children who will learn from him that violence against the LGBT community is not only acceptable, but necessary.  He's also likely preaching to gay children. 
While I, as an adult, can not take this man seriously, I do take seriously the harm he is inflicting on children.  Children who have no way of knowing that he teaches paranoid lies.  
Does anyone else think that this has more than the faintest whiff of Jonestown?
Other voices united in hate are drawing up battle plans for Rhode Island, the only New England state not to have marriage equality. Yet.
Speaking of New England, Vermont brought marriage to all of its citizens today!!!  Good for you Vermont!!!  To celebrate, Ben & Jerry's has temporarily changed the name of its Chubby Hubby ice cream to Hubby Hubby.  I think it's a plot by the religious right to make us all fat.  Apparently the lesbians don't get their own ice cream.  
And finally, a long overdue Michele Bachmann update.  Remember last week when she suggested that people fast for health care non-reform?  Well this week she's preaching wrist slicing.  I'm not making this up.  Again, I have to hope that her followers, should they decide to take her lead and follow through on any of her suggestions, have a good health care plan.  Because I personally don't want to have to pay for any feeding tubes or stitches for these people.
On a more somber note, just when you think Michele Bachmann is entertaining, remember:  She votes on laws.
More tomorrow.


Loren said...

I have new love for Ben and Jerry. Simply brilliant. I must go out and buy more ice cream!

Roger said...

see? it's all a plot to make gay people and those who love them fat.