Monday, August 31, 2009

Mary, Mary Quite Contrary

Just for fun, let's begin with Geraldo Rivera deriding the quality of today's talk shows.  Mr. Potkettleblack goes on to say that he would have Jon & Kate on his show - if he still had one - but that he would sneer at them.   It's good to know that someone's out there fighting for journalistic integrity.
In other folly, remember that explosive new book that former Secretary of Defense Tom Ridge wrote in which he claims to have been pressured into raising the terror alert for political gain?  In it he writes, "Ashcroft strongly urged an increase in the threat level, and was supported by Rumsfeld,  There was absolutely no support for that position within our department. None. I wondered, 'Is this about security or politics?"  Today, on the topic of raising the terror levels, he said, "I was never pressured."  Is he actually contradicting a book that he wrote?  I can't help but wonder if he was pressured into writing the book.  Or into denouncing the book.  Maybe he was pressured into putting his left foot in.  Only to have someone else suggest he take his left foot out.  This man was in charge of our national security!
Marriage equality goes into effect in Vermont tomorrow!!!  It is now another LGBT marital destination.  It's also a destination for anyone demanding inequality.
Texas appears to have killed an innocent man.  
In fantastic news, a pastor comes out to his congregation as a transsexual and receives...nothing but love!!!
The righteous defenders of segregation are gearing up as the marriage equality fight moves from a low Summer simmer to full Fall boil in the Garden State.  This time they're calling themselves Minutemen.  This is going to be a tough battle.  If I stand a snowball's chance in hell of getting married anytime soon, Corzine must win.  I plan on doing everything in my power to ensure that that happens.  
Under the heading What the Fuck, Mary Cheney, daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney, lesbian, partnered for 17 years and mother of a two year old, contributed $1,000 to Ron Portman, a Republican candidate who has voted repeatedly to deny Ms. Cheney her rights.  According to Mr. Portman's votes, Ms. Cheney should neither be able to marry her longtime partner nor adopt a child with her.  
Dear Mary, in lieu of sending any more money to Ron Portman, please just send it to me.  I promise I won't use it to legislate anything that smacks of separate but equal.  I won't use it to fund my cross-country inequality campaign.  I won't use it to further my religious convictions.  I'll probably just put it towards my new kitchen.
And finally, for the first time scientists were able to get up close and personal with a single molecule.  Unbelievable!
More tomorrow.

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