Monday, August 24, 2009

Bullet Points

Just a quickie tonight.  Papa's tired and it's getting late.  
Alright, 9:45pm isn't late.  But I'm tired nonetheless.
Let's begin -
According to Bloomberg, the Democrats might just push health care reform through on their own.  Of course that is greatly upsetting to the Republicans, who are against pushing a bill through without their support, against making concessions, and seemingly against health care reform of any kind.  
After claiming that there would be "death panels" if we instituted a government run health care program, Senator Grassley decided to actually read the bill.  He now acknowledges that nothing in the bill comes close to saying anything about "pull[ing] the plug on grandma."  Oops.  As the great Gilda Radner would say, "Never mind."
After leaders of the Evangelical Lutheran Church voted to remove a ban on gay clergy and to recognize gay marriages within the church - well, is seems the church might just splinter into a few pieces.  Some hateful.  Others not so much.
Arthur Frommer, of Frommer's, said he won't be going to Arizona anytime soon due to their current gun laws.  
As more and more allegations surface concerning the treatment of terror suspects in our custody, A.G. Holder will be appointing a special prosecutor to investigate the claims of abuse.  Does anyone else think that we did things far more horrific than what we're hearing about?  Or am I just paranoid?
And my favorite clip of the day.  In lieu of affordable health care, Senator Coburn thinks that we, as Americans, as neighbors, should pitch in to help.  If that's the case, then I for one am going to go to bed tonight praying as hard as I can that my neighbors are nurses and doctors and that they have equipment, medication and a lot of time on their hands.  I'm going to pray that they will selflessly take care of me should I become gravely ill. 
I get it - we don't need health care reform.  We need the entire country to get together to sing the theme from "The Golden Girls."
The husband of the woman in the clip has suffered a brain injury.  Here's hoping that one of her neighbors can help her feed him and has a degree in speech pathology.

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