Sunday, August 30, 2009


I took a break this weekend and neither watched nor read anything regarding current events.  Well, that's not true.  I watched a little bit of Senator Kennedy's funeral.  But that was it.
Rick and I spent most of the weekend getting ready to have our kitchen gutted and remodeled.  Depending on when you catch me, I'm either uncontrollably excited or paralytically scared.
This weekend the freshmen moved into Seton Hall.  Every year I marvel at how they get younger and younger.  And I've gotten used to that.  But then this year it happened.  I noticed that the parents are now getting younger as well.  I wasn't prepared for that!!! 
In light of the discovery that I'm moving into that area where I could conceivably have an eighteen year old child, I'm going to go read my book, apply some night cream and get ready for bed.  No one likes an undereducated old man with leathery skin and bags under his eyes!
More tomorrow.


MamaKaren said...

Having hit a birthday this weekend that is dangerously close to the big 4-0, I feel your pain on this issue.

Good for you, ignoring current events, by the way. Society kinda sucks right now, and home remodeling is enough stress for a body to deal with.

Roger said...

home renovation is stressful! and we haven't even started yet. by the time this is done i'll look like a freshman's grandparent. but at least i'll look old in a kick-ass kitchen!

Loren said...

I don't know how it is that OTHER parents are aging so much when I am clearly NOT. Oh wait.... maybe it's the Botox.....