Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Some of Today's News

According to some, brilliant scientist Stephen Hawking would be dead if he had been left to the mercy of the UK's health care system.  Due to his physical handicaps, he would have been deemed "worthless."  The problem with that is that Stephen Hawking is in fact very much alive, due in no small part to the National Health Service in the UK.  In Stephen's own words, "I wouldn't be alive today if it weren't for the NHS."
In other news, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had a meltdown when someone grilled her about her husband's opinion.  Am I the only person in the world who thinks that a) this was in no way a melt down or b) had this been a man who snapped at a ridiculous question, it would be a non-event?  Frankly, it just made me love Hillary more than I already do.  And that's a lot.  Unfortunately for all involved, the Secretary of State snapped at the wrong person.  The question was translated incorrectly.  The student was actually asking about President Obama's opinion.  Oops.
A U.S. general has asked for more troops for the war in Afghanistan.  What's really important here is that they aren't gay.
Speaking of gay people, our friends over at World Net Daily (one of my favorite sights, don't go if you've just eaten) are in a bit of a lather over Harvey Milk receiving the Presidential Medal of Honor.  Giving Harvey Milk the Medal of Honor marks "the first time in history that the nation's highest civilian award has been granted primarily on the basis of someone's sex life."  That's all they see.  Fascinating.  I see a hero.
I wonder what Harvey Milk would have thought about the decision by gay rights leaders to wait for 2012 to put Prop 8 back on the ballot.  I think it's a terrible idea.  But who the hell am I?  Just some guy with an internet connection and a keyboard.  So basically...I'm everyone.
For anyone still wondering why the Bush administration continues to roam free,  I don't have an answer for you.
For anyone still wondering if the government is going to try to kill you when get old, Ezra Klein does have an answer for you.
And finally, I don't know about you, but I'm in love with Rep. Michele Bachman. I like to keep up with her rants if only for entertainment purposes.  Apparently her own son has signed up for a "re-education camp."  It's just devastating when it happens right there in your own family.  

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