Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Just Do It

Would someone please explain to me why the Republicans, who are almost universally wrong on almost every issue, never care if they're liked or if they're popular.  They do what they want and that's the end of that.  Can you imagine the Republicans holding majorities in both the House and the Senate while having a Republican in the White House (you can, I know you can) and giving a rat's ass about getting some Democrats on board?  I think we've seen this happen.  And I think the answer is a resounding, "No."
The Republicans are never afraid to be evil.  Why are the Democrats afraid to be not evil?  Who exactly are they catering to by getting rid of the public option?  The Republicans?  They aren't going to sign any - ANY - health care reform put forward by Obama.  And frankly, health care reform without a public option is not health care reform. 
Thankfully, the unions have stepped up and said no public option, no support for the Democrats.  There are also a few Democrats who have stressed the importance of the public option.  In The Washington Post "Sen. Russell Feingold (Wis.) said that 'without a public option, I don't see how we will bring real change to a system that has made good health care a privilege for those who can afford it.'"
Thank God!!!  Obama seems incapable of being disliked too much by any one group for too long.  It seems whoever voices their disapproval the loudest gets his attention.  Today I hope big labor drowned out the voices of the birthers or deathers or whatever they're calling themselves this week.  In the meantime, by seeming to want to be liked by everyone, he has angered everyone.  
Who knows.  Maybe he's more brilliant than anyone can conceive and he's plotting all of this out.  Maybe we've just moved our first pawn and he's thinking Check Mate.  
Time will tell, but I don't think so.  To quote Bill Maher:  "The audacity of hope part is over.  Right now, I'm hoping for a little more audacity."

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